Friday 15 September 2017


Title of the story – Life
Level of completion – 37% (Well that’s my age and for the % to be accurate I assume I will live for 100 years)
Author – Destiny

Hey wait. That’s not all about the book. There is a co-author as well.

Destiny wrote a pretty beginning, some sweet- sour moments and some bumpy rides in the story of my life.

Sometimes when the darkness was scary and I was helpless to create light I wrote patience and hope and I kept moving, just moving, like writing meaningless lines in the journal of life. When the light finally shone, I found meaning in those meaningless lines. Nothing is meaningless. When destiny was writing pain, naively, I was writing strength as if in coded words, that was decoded, step by step, as I crawled out of the darkness towards the light.

Sometimes my efforts failed in keeping a relationship or faith or a desire but it was just end of a chapter, not my life. I wrote a new chapter with new perspectives. There were new paths to be discovered and new aspirations to be chased. Though sometimes I turn the pages and delve into the chapters that ended abruptly, but then soon I move out. When destiny showed me a full stop, I fought with it to turn it to a comma.

Sometimes I was amazed and angry and sad with the decisions of destiny. I thought life was unfair and I only had questions. But far off answers were there, hidden beyond the layers of time and piece by piece the jigsaw puzzle pieces fell in place. I still have questions, but I know answers are there, may be far off, may be in the last chapters. May be. But, I am sure answers are there. And I will carve the path till I reach there.

Sometimes I write a dream and destiny rubs it off. I stare the empty page, oops sorry, the rubbed off page; oh, the difference between an empty page and page that is rubbed off, the wrinkled page. I straighten the wrinkles and write again and again and again. There are dreams that finally defeated destiny and some that I am still rewriting. I have lost the count, how many times that dream has been rubbed off but I am still rewriting, so it’s not the end yet. Yes, its tiring, very tiring but I have enough ink in my pen yet. The ink of hard work and faith. I won’t let it dry.

Destiny is the author of my life. True. But in bits and pieces, I add in my part. As destiny bestows on me myriad of situations I try to weave a story that is beautiful.
So, to complete the description of the story,

Co-author of the story called life: Me

PS. The quote at the beginning is from my novel "Beyond Secrets". You can read a sample here.


  1. Destiny plays a role. But don't we act on destiny too?

    1. Yes you are right. We actually even overreact on destiny. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
