Sunday 7 May 2017

Chase Your Dreams

The biggest agony of our life is that we focus more on shortcomings rather than blessings. I wasted a lot of years of my life cursing my limitations. I was a basketball player and I believe I was good at it, but my height acted as a roadblock and I left my passion. Though now I know my height was not the reason for my failure, my self-belief was.

I was introduced to the above quote by Richard Bach long after I gave up playing basketball. And the woman who enlightened me with these words is Ms. Shefali Kapoor, owner of Vijay Computer Academy. She grew up between narrow-minded people who cursed her and her two younger sisters just for being girls, for their incapability of carrying further their father’s name. Well, she didn’t anyhow wish to carry her father’s name to the next generation; she dreamt far beyond that. She opened a computer academy with meagre resources. There were times destiny didn’t support her, but never for a moment she faltered. For she firmly believed if god has given her a desire, he must have given her the power to achieve it. Her passion demanded sleepless nights, tiring days, countless sacrifices and yet faced many failures, but she didn’t give up. Her strong will finally change the course of destiny and success followed. The academy which was named after her father “Vijay” has now its wings worldwide. Her father’s name has not only survived but honoured.

Her words have since been my friend, philosopher and guide. They hold me up every time I am about to give up. Though the passion of being a basketball player had withered long before I met her, I have dreams that if I share, I will be called crazy. Well, I like being called crazy is a different point. When dream becomes passion, it forces you to push your boundaries, your comfort zone and much more. It gives soul to life. A week, a month, a year, a decade, let it take what it does, but chase it until you achieve it.
Pic : Link

I connected with the above quote so deeply that it became a part of my belief system. Then there are quotes that touch us, but the words slip by our memory just like that. I wonder what words can do to us. It can alter our personality, so we need to wisely choose what we read. And carve the precious ones in our character.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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